Lettre à ma mère…
34 minutes
“I began to film you to try and understand what you were suffering from, as if this understanding would enable me to stop my own suffering… I came from your darkest depths, I came from your entrails, and I have never managed to cut these ties completely… For years, I hated you, until I understood that hating you meant that I hated myself, since we were made from the same earth… I had found for myself the wrong enemy'” (Joële Van Effenterre)
Production :
Mallia films; GREC Groupe de recherches et d'essais cinématographiques
Mallia films; GREC Groupe de recherches et d'essais cinématographiques
Distribution :
Documentaire sur Grand Ecran
Documentaire sur Grand Ecran
Editing :
Joële Van Effenterre
Joële Van Effenterre
Sound :
Joële Van Effenterre
Joële Van Effenterre
Photography :
Joële Van Effenterre
Joële Van Effenterre