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Lieu commun

Martine Deyres
2003 France 14 minutes French

The latest incarnation of modernity: the railway station in the middle of nowhere. Valence’s high-speed train station is away from the town. Everything there is “functional”. From the enormous car-park to the platforms, nothing inspires you to take a stroll. It is as though the traveller’s disappearance had been programmed. The murmur of soft voices over the loudspeakers, the screens, the staff’s automated gestures. In this gigantic ice-palace, only the window cleaner comes and goes with his trolley’ Here, everything is under control.

Martine Deyres

Après des études théâtrales, elle est comédienne dans plusieurs compagnies. Elle suit en 2000 une formation aux Ateliers Varan et obtient en 2003 un DESS de réalisation documentaire. Lieu commun est son premier film.

Production :
Ardèche Images Production
Editing :
Martine Deyres
Sound :
Jeanne Delafosse
Photography :
Martine Deyres

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