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Raymonde Carasco
Régis Hébraud
2011 France 34 minutes French
© Régis Hébraud

“The most culturally mixed of the Tarahumara dances, a hermaphrodite dance, says Raymonde. The morning of 1 January 1988, we may have captured a little of Artaud’s vision when he writes in A voyage to the land of the Tarahumara: ‘I saw before me the Nativity of Hieronymus Bosch… to the right, the dancer kings. The kings with their crowns of mirrors on their heads and their rectangular purple cloaks on their backs.’ ” (Régis Hébraud)

Production :
Raymonde Carasco
Editing :
Régis Hébraud
Photography :
Raymonde Carasco
Narration :
Régis Hébraud
Copy Contact :
Régis Hébraud

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