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Mabrouk At-Tahrir

Dalia Fathallah
2002 France 59 minutes Arabic

25th May 2000. After 22 years of occupation, the Israeli army withdrew from South Lebanon. In a village less than ten kilometres from the Israeli border, two houses and their respective families share the same courtyard. On 5th January 1988, the Chahrur family were forced to leave their house, which has remained empty ever since. The sons had been imprisoned for working with the resistance movement, along with their mother and sister. The Kassem family were allowed to stay. One of the sons, a childhood friend of the Chahrur boys, had collaborated with the occupying forces. How will daily life now be organised in the courtyard and, more generally, in the village? How can one build a future, when the threat of the Israelis’ return is ever-present? What memories and which identity should be passed on to the children?

Dalia Fathallah

Libanaise, née en 1972, diplômée d’architecture et d’urbanisme, doctorante en sciences politiques depuis 1999, elle prépare une thèse intitulée La « Bande Frontalière » imaginaire : Nouvelles territorialités et représentations spatiales dans le Sud-Liban occupé, sujet de ce premier film.

Production :
Images Plus; New TV; Ina
Distribution :
Editing :
Emmanuelle Thibault
Sound :
Alaa Sehran
Photography :
Arlette Girardot

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