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Maman Colonelle

Mama Colonel
Dieudo Hamadi
2017 Democratic Republic of the Congo; France 72 minutes French; Swahili; Lingala

A specialist in the protection of minors and sexual violence, Colonel Honorine is transferred to Kisangani. To her surprise, she finds herself up against the still vivid traumas of the victims of the Six-Day War that shook the DRC in 2000.

Production :
Christian Lelong; Kiripi Kahindo Siku; François Lelong; Kiripi Katembo Siku
Distribution :
Grégory Bétend; Stéphan Riguet
Editing :
Anne Renardet
Sound :
François Tariq Sardi; Dieudo Hamadi
Photography :
Dieudo Hamadi

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