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Mémoire du voyage

Cheikh Djemaï
1992 France 55 minutes French

Gitans, Manouches or Tsigans, the gypsies still elicit distrust or rejection. The film explores the world of these French people, little known and still unloved, and the difficulty of their relations with sedentary society: complicated identity papers that are invalid at border crossings, problems of parking, schooling to mention only a few. Portraits and testimonies introduce us to the culture and memory of a people, passionate defenders of their language, traditions and nomadic way of life. The film also shows how they have been able to evolve and adapt to modern society.

Cheikh Djemaï

Né en 1955, éclairagiste de théâtre, notamment au Théatre des Amandiers de Nanterre, il poursuit des études de cinéma à Paris VIII, puis à l’INA. Technicien, il fait de nombreux reportages ,passe à la mise en scène et réalise :

• La nuit du doute, 1990 • Mémoire du voyage, 1993 • Les charbonniers de surface, 1997

Production :
Productions de la Lanterne; CRRAV Centre régional de ressources audiovisuelles de la région Nord-Pas de Calais
Distribution :
Productions de la Lanterne
Editing :
Pierre Guichard
Sound :
Boghos Minassian
Photography :
Robert Millié; Pascal Lemoal; Jean-Michel Humeau

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