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Mirabella – Sindelfingen

Andreas Pichler
2001 Germany; Italy 55 minutes German; Italian

Mirabella Imbaccari is a village near Catania, in the heart of Sicily, with an antiquated agriculture. Only 4 000 of the official 10 000 inhabitants live there on a regular basis, hopelessly lost in the European periphery. 2000 km north: Sindelfingen, near Stuttgart, one of the most powerful economic areas in the whole of Europe. A regular bus service links these two towns, since most of the 6 000 people missing from Mirabella live in the Sindelfingen area, where they have been working at the Mercedes factory since the 50s. Three generations later, we discover an absurd, ambivalent situation. They remain too closely linked to Sicily for a new identity to emerge, yet too far away to turn back. These Mirabellians are wandering somewhere in between.

Andreas Pichler

Né en 1967. Suit des études de cinéma à Bozen puis à l’Université de Bologne et à la Freie Universität de Berlin. Réalise des documentaires et des films sur la danse depuis 1900, entre autres : • Schnalstaler, 1992 • Schneeberg – Körper wilder Seelen, 1994 • Maria S., Geschichten einer Heimatstadt, 1997 • Die Palästinenser im Libanon, 1999 • Mirabella / Sindelfingen, 2001

Production :
Filmtank Hamburg; ZDF; Angel Arena; Stefilm; Planète
Distribution :
Deckert Distribution
Editing :
Lars Hesselholdt
Sound :
Stefano Bernardi; Marcus Vetter; Rolf Zischka
Photography :
Susanne Schüle

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