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Bakur Bakuradze
Dmitri Mamulia
2007 Russia 35 minutes undetermined

The daily life of a Kirghiz family in Moscow: casual labour on worksites, paltry wages, pay-offs to jobmongers, the lack of money, difficult relations with neighbours… The entire family lives in an 8m² room. These 8m² are their whole world, a world they never leave and where the mother’s rule is indivisible. Only the youngest of her three children works. As a building-site mason, he provides the family’s sole income. Her daughter helps with the housework, but the husband, who has a hand-injury, is unemployed. Her eldest son cannot find work. He is not too keen anyway: the sexy girls on the ads, the games and walkmans of the Muscovite youth are a cruel reminder that he doesn’t belong to their world. Living in Moscow, without being there. The young man finds entertainment and comfort in the films that mirror his own plight: Fassbinder’s Der Katzelmacher, Visconti’s Rocco e i suoi fratelli… (Yann Lardeau)

Bakur Bakuradze

Diplômé du VGIK de Moscou, élève de Marlen Hutsiev, il a participé à différents succès commerciaux, avant de se tourner vers des œuvres plus personnelles

Dmitri Mamulia

Diplômé en philosophie de l’Université de Tbilissi, il termine ses études supérieures de cinéma. Il travaille plus particulièrement le vidéo-art.

Production :
Salvador-D Company
Distribution :
Salvador-D Company
Editing :
Sergey Dogorov
Photography :
Nikolay Vavilov

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