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Mots pour maux

Dominique Comtat
2005 France 35 minutes French

In places where people are locked up, words take on a different meaning. The members of the Film and Video Workshop in the Marseilles Penitentiary Centre have chosen eight words to convey the image and reality of the “inside” in order to bring to light a sense that those on the “outside” have forgotten. “Walk”, “horizon”, “time”, “cell” and “canteen”… all ordinary, everyday words that take on wishful, humorous or bitter definitions.

Dominique Comtat

Dominique Comtat est cinéaste,

enseignant de cinéma, photographe et cadreur.

Il a réalisé, notamment :

Blue Lester, animation, 1979

Geneve, doc., 1982

Imagie, animation/expérimental, 1982

Courir les rues, animation, 1988

Trois ans de vacances, doc., 1994

Les Paradoxes du photographe, cm, 1998

Quelques notes sur l’art de la mémoire,

expérimental, 30 mn, 2003

Production :
Lieux fictifs
Distribution :
Lieux fictifs
Editing :
Dominique Comtat
Photography :
Dominique Comtat

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