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Mourir ? Plutôt crever !

Stéphane Mercurio
2009 France 94 minutes French

« Die? I’d rather go out with a bang! ». This is the epitaph that Siné wants written on his tombstone, complete with the “up-yours” sign – but the crematory vault is under collective ownership and his pals are hesitant. Always at the height of provocation, the cartoonist is suddenly alone. The scene is comical, but nonetheless underlines a trait of Siné’s character that helps explain the many ups and downs of his career. In these reminiscences, rocked by jazz and salsa, some choice personalities invite themselves: Fidel Castro, Mao, Malcolm X, Jacques Prévert – and of course, his cats. As a rebel with causes to defend and no taboo, an anarchist who resists all forms of authority and proscription, Siné has spent his entire life targeting the army, the police, religion and its clergy, racism, bull-fighting. (Yann Lardeau)

Production :
Editing :
Françoise Bernard
Sound :
Patrick Genet; Frédéric Bures
Photography :
Stéphane Mercurio
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