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Shinichi Ise
1995 Japan 98 minutes Japanese

In 1983, Nao, the filmmaker’s niece, is 8 years old. Mentally handicapped, she also suffers from epileptic fits. For ten years, the film crew follows her growing up. Surrounded by an affectionate family, Nao-chan is always cheerful, joyful and kind. Her future adult life is a major source of worry for her parents.

Shinichi Ise

Il a commencé sa carrrière de documentariste au milieu des années 70 et réalisé beaucoup de films documentaires pour la télévision ainsi que des films publicitaires.

Nao-chan est son premier long-métrage documentaire.

Production :
Deko Kikaku Co.
Editing :
Koichi Atsumi
Sound :
Katsuhide Kimura
Photography :
Junichi Segawa

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