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Nicole et Jean

Juliette Cazanave
2000 France 65 minutes French

“A thread following a journey and a summer season, from Berlin to Paris, then Paris to the South of France… The film Nicole et Jean is a love story. One between a man and a woman who had all they needed to be happy, but who perhaps never really were. A story of two people who had spent their lives searching for their true place, and who never managed to find it. Nicole and Jean met, liked each other, fell in love, wore each other down. Nicole and Jean both died young, from cancer. Nicole and Jean are my parents. This story is also that of a daughter who wants to ask her parents all the questions that their deaths left suspended.” (Juliette Cazanave)

Juliette Cazanave

Née en 1966 à Paris. Etudes d’histoire et d’histoire de l’art à Paris et Madrid, puis de cinéma à l’Académie Berlinoise de Cinéma et de Télévision, option réalisation et montage. Elle a été assistante de production, de réalisation, et monteuse sur des documentaires et des fictions. Elle a entre autres réalisé : • Bonbons und Lippenstift • Das Schweigen der Hämmer (co-réal.)• Klo • Ailleurs si j’y suis • BWW 170 • Nicole et Jean, 2000 • Ce que la guerre fait à l’amour, 2004

Production :
Movimento Production; Arte; dffb Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie Berlin
Distribution :
Movimento Production
Editing :
Agnès Bruckert
Sound :
Stéphane Bauer
Photography :
Isabelle Razavet

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