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Nora’s Namibia

Norbert Bunge
Caroline Goldie
1986 Germany 44 minutes undetermined

Nora is well-known character in Namibia. She is the director of the commission of Namibian Churches for Education. Her country lives under the rule of Apartheid. This situation constitutes the political background of the oppression of the black majority. It is also the main reason which pushed the Council of Churches to fight for the creation of an efficient health-care system. Concerning education, the Council also tries to give the students the opportunity of learning the history of the Black population in their country. Nora does not only fight against racism and its consequences, but, as an unmarried mother of three children, she also wants men to assume their responsability as fathers. And without any resentment, she turns to the old colonizing power in search of political help or solidarity.

Production :
Norbert Bunge Film Prod.
Editing :
Caroline Goldie
Sound :
Caroline Goldie
Photography :
Norbert Bunge

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