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Diego Martinez Vignatti
2002 Belgium 70 minutes Spanish

In the early 20th century, millions of immigrants arrived at the port of Buenos Aires. They shared the same dream, making a fortune. They little suspected they would make another more important achievement: a style of music, a dance, a way of walking and loving, a way of existing in the world. Our grand-parents created the Tango. Today, we, as heirs of this culture, continue dancing as we live. Eternally in Buenos Aires.’

Production :
Lux Fugit Film; CBA / Centre de l'Audiovisuel à Bruxelles; RTBF
Distribution :
CBA / Centre de l'Audiovisuel à Bruxelles
Editing :
Marie-Hélène Mora
Sound :
Gilles Laurent
Photography :
Diego Martinez Vignatti

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