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Not All that “The World” Does it Good for a Mennonite

Lut Vandekeybus
1998 Belgium; The Netherlands 58 minutes German; Spanish

In Mexico, just like his forefathers, Neufeld prepares to answer the call and leave his farm in Casas Grandes to go and clear a new piece of land in Campeche. In this way, he will be following the tradition of the Mennonites, the members of a Church founded by the Dutchman Menno Simons. They have preserved the doctrine and their way of life, even though they have migrated all over the world – to Germany, Russia, Canada and even as far as Mexico. In its pursuit of salvation, the community totally rejects technological progress and consumer society. The film focuses on the everyday life of a small community, highlighting the simple, harmonious character of its lifestyle and its observance of faith and rural traditions. It also mirrors the growing dilemma posed by the choice between tradition and modern life, between God and “The World”, between consistency and opening up to compromise.

Lut Vandekeybus

Née en 1965, actrice, fait ses études de sciences politiques à Louvain. A souvent vécu à l’étranger, formée au cinéma 16 mm à Cuba, puis enseignante à Anvers au cours de la session 1995 de l’Eave. A réalisé, entre autres :

• L’Rgorba, 1995 • In apnée, 1996 • Bletzi, bletzi, 1997 • Not all that “the World” does is good for a Mennonite, 1998 • Linda & Ali, 2005

Production :
RTBF; Ikon Television; Inti Films; Lemming Film
Distribution :
Sydney Neter Distribution SND
Editing :
Ewin Ryckaert
Sound :
Rik Meier
Photography :
Sander Snoep

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