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Olam Yashan Ad Hayesod Nahariva

Hagar Kot
1993 Israel 90 minutes Hebrew

Like most Western Communist Parties, the Israeli CP has been experiencing a serious moral crisis since the collapse of Soviet ideology. The break is all the more acute as the Party is the country’s only party with dual, Jewish and Arab, nationality. This particularity helps to explain its key role in promoting the peace process between Palestinians and Israelis. This unique situation, in which what is at stake at a local level is, more than anywhere else, linked to the evolution of the international situation, accounts for the inner conflict felt by many militants, torn as they are between the need to admit past errors and lies, and the ideals of peace and tolerance which they still want to believe in. The film enquiry does have a particular strength: the director, the daughter of a Central Committee member, spent her childhood in a world shaped by the ideology and habits of theParty leaders and influential Party members. The eyewitness accounts which she has collected are the result of her long relationship with her subject. Her involvement is also personal because this breach has deeply divided her parents and their generation.

Hagar Kot

Née à Tel-Aviv, où elle a obtenu son diplôme universitaire de cinéma et de télévision.

A réalisé, entre autres :

Cet âge là, 1989 – Du passé faisons table rase, 1993 – 80 km sur la route, mon amour et moi, 2006

Production :
Hagar Kot
Editing :
Zohar Sela
Photography :
Ron Katzenelson; Yoav Kosh

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