On the Waves Of the Adriatic
Sur les flots bleus de l'Adriatique
120 minutes
This is a story of a family cut off from society. The house, which serves as refuge for the members of the family as well as a few social rejects, is ruled by the iron hand of Graeme’s father, Steye who emigrated to Australia from Slovenia at the end of the Second World War. Graham and his two friends Stephen and Harold have never had a job and they spend their time collecting scrap parts of cars. For them, the greatest of dreams is to be able to drive a car but they cannot even read or write.
Production :
Brian McKenzie
Brian McKenzie
Distribution :
Brian McKenzie Film Productions
Brian McKenzie Film Productions
Editing :
Ken Sallows
Ken Sallows
Sound :
Mark Tarpey
Mark Tarpey
Photography :
Brian McKenzie
Brian McKenzie
Copy Contact :
Cinéma du Réel/Bibliothèque publique d'information
Cinéma du Réel/Bibliothèque publique d'information