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Temirbek Birnazarov
2002 Kyrgyzstan 12 minutes no words

On the thawing ground, two men draw a big circle and set a collection of bones in the middle. At first, it looks like an ancient ritual as, with utmost seriousness, these grown men in Kyrgyz-style hats start throwing stones to hit the bones. In fact, what we are witnessing is Ordo, a century-old, national Kyrgyz game. The game heats up, bodies gesticulate excitedly and the tone rises. What a sport!

Temirbek Birnazarov

Né en 1964 au Kirghizistan. Etudie à l’Institut de Théâtre et Cinéma d’Almaty. Il a réalisé : • Ne pleure pas, Rhinoceros !, 1993 • Le Pont du diable, 1997• La Mélodie de l’île perdue, 1997 • Jayuk, 1998 • Le soleil se lèvera encore, 2002 • Boucles d’oreille, 2002

Production :
Tazar Cinema Company