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Osemtisíc jabloní

Ladislav Gaspar
1998 Slovakia 19 minutes Slovak

Since the rise of Communism, Stefan Wolf had been exposed to the hostility of a regime that saw him as a koulak. On the estate inherited from his ancestors, he was subjected to numerous trials and tribulations. Until that day in 1984, which he immortalised with marble slabs in his devastated orchard.

Ladislav Gaspar

Né en 1975, il a étudié le genre documentaire à l’Université des Arts à Bratislava. Il a déjà réalisé :

• In fabrikan, (film expérimental) 1995 • Film o priemernom básnikovi (Film about an average poet), 1996 • Vlak plny radosti (Train full of Joy), 1997 • Spieva Karol Gott (Karol Gott is singing), 1998 • Osemtisíc jabloní (Huit mille pommiers), 1998

Production :
VŠMU/Filmová a televízna fakulta
Editing :
Misa Durcanska; Roman Varga
Photography :
Noro Hudec

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