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Thierry Augé
1980 France 52 minutes French

An only “character”, a young man, a former juvenile delinquent, talks to a video camera. With the filmmaker, who sometimes joins him in the shots, he relates his story: his Italian origins, his parents, his thefts, his time in jail…

Thierry Augé

Educateur de formation, il travaille, après des etudes de cinema, comme monteur, et caméraman. A réalisé, entre autres :

Overzone – Le carreau glacé – Vrevi vi ma – Le figurant – La Lucarne – La roue (co-réal.) – La Sorcière ou le collier de la reine, 1996

Production :
Unité d'animation fontenay-Villepreux
Editing :
Thierry Augé
Sound :
Thierry Augé
Photography :
Thierry Augé

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