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Alexander Abaturov
2022 France, Switzerland 89 min Language: lakoute

In summer 2021, an extreme heatwave and drought triggered giant forest fires in north-east Siberia. Deep in the taiga, the village of Shologon was engulfed in a thick cloud of smoke. Abandoned by the government, the inhabitants joined forces to tackle the Dragon.

Alexander Abaturov

Alexander Abaturov was born in 1984 in Russia. He graduated from Gorky University and became a journalist after his studies. In 2010, he arrived in France and joined the Master in Creative Documentary Filmmaking at the Lussas Documentary School. In 2013, he directed his first documentary film, Les Âmes dormantes, which was selected in many festivals and awarded at the Festival Cinéma du Réel (French Institute Prize). Paradise is his second feature documentary.

Production :
Petit à petit Production (Rebecca Houzel), Sibériade, Intermezzo Films, Arte France Cinéma
Photography :
Paul Guilhaume
Sound :
Myriam René, Sorin Apostol, Frédéric Buy
Editing :
Luc Forveille, Alexander Abaturov
Music :
Benoît de Villeneuve et Benjamin Morando, Delphine Malaussena et les Percussions de Strasbourg
Print source :
jour2fête -

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