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Parèven furmighi

Daniele Segre
1997 Italy 35 minutes Italian

Once upon a time there was Cavriago, a village in the province of Reggio Emilia, where, at the end of the Second World War, the inhabitants decided to build a cinema. And they did just that, ‘brick after brick’, in a splendid group effort. It is in this film theatre that they laughed and cried as they discovered on screen stories much like their own. Today, it is in the same, now renovated theatre that they go on stage to recount, in their dialect’s vigorous tones, their wonderful adventure, which has now become part of local legend. Together, they relive fifty years of their life through song, music and dance.

Production :
Distribution :
Editing :
Daniele Segre
Sound :
Gianluca Costamagna
Photography :
Paolo Ferrari

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