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Paris vu par les opérateurs d’Albert Kahn – Marchés et foires à  Paris

Jocelyne Leclerq
1927 France 12 minutes silent

Public meeting places, various of commercial activity, from the everyday type (Marché aux Puces, 1920-1924 ; Foire à  la Ferraille et aux Jambons, 1920) to the uncommenest (Foire aux Croûtes, 1927) ; from the most ordinary (Marché aux Sapins, 1924 ; Marché aux Bestiaux de la Villette, 1921) to the most sophisticated (Foire de Paris, 1919). Moments of popular entertainment where history combines with folklore (Foire du Trône, 1919-1922-1923 ; Foire Saint-Germain, 1923). These markets and fairs gave rhythm to the Parisian life of the time and brought walkers and professionals, spectators and art amateurs, the curious and the big-eaters, shoulder to shoulder. Extracts from the film edited in 1982 by Jocelyne Leclercq from the reels in the Fondation Albert Kahn collection (shot between 1919 and 1927).

Production :
Fondation Albert Kahn
Distribution :
Fondation Albert Kahn
Photography :
Lucien Le Saint; Camille Sauvageot

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