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Mahvash Sheikholeslami
2001 Iran 37 minutes no words

On the sun-burnt isle of Qeshm, the old fisherman Abdollah, leads an existence between sea and sky, to the rhythm of the waves that constantly transform the landscape. With the birds as his sole companions, he lays his nets that he draws in with the ebbing tide, goes sailing in his boat, mends his nets, grills fish, cooks shrimps… not forgetting to say his prayers and take his siesta. A solitary life, full of patience and contemplation, at one with nature.

Mahvash Sheikholeslami

Née en 1946. Etudie à la London Film School puis réalise quatre courts métrages documentaires. A partir de 1975 elle signe plusieurs séries pour la télévision iranienne.

Elle a réalisé plusieurs documentaires, dont : • Youfek (La soie), 1999 • Charsho, 2000 • Pershang, 2001

Production :
Mahvash Sheikholeslami
Distribution :
Mahvash Sheikholeslami
Editing :
Kamran Shirdel
Sound :
Akbar Yaghoubi
Photography :
Morteza Poursamadi

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