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Portraits d’Alain Cavalier

Alain Cavalier
1988 France 156 minutes French

“I am a pedestrian in Paris. I love this city passionately and I keep asking myself the same question : what little part on this immensity do I have the right to film? The twelve portraits of women at work are the first chapter of a reply.”

Alain Cavalier

Né en 1931. Etudes à l’IDHEC

Production :
Caméra One; Douce
Distribution :
Isabel Pons
Editing :
Marie-Dominique Arto; Isabelle Dedieu; Sophie Durand
Sound :
Philippe Combes; Alain Lachassagne; Pierre Lorrain; Daniel Ollivier
Photography :
Pierre-Laurent Chénieux; Jean-Noël Ferragut; Armand Marca; Jean-François Robin

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