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Pouvons-nous vivre ici ?

Sylvaine Dampierre
2001 France 55 minutes Belarusian

Terebejov, a small village two hundred kilometres from Chernobyl. Despite the irradiation, the level of radioactivity in the region was too low to justify evacuating the local families. Living there means constant measuring for radioactivity’ the bilberries and mushrooms thriving in the forest, milk for the children. Becquerels and cesium levels have become part of the scenery. Then come ‘the French’, a team of scientists who have chosen the village to try and improve living conditions there and fine-tune a model for surviving on contaminated land. How can one live with such an invisible and all-pervading threat? To this question that defies an answer, nature’s now forbidden splendour returns a dismal echo.

Sylvaine Dampierre

Formation littéraire et artistique. Chef monteuse depuis 1988, essentiellement de documentaires. Elle a beaucoup travaillé en milieu carcéral. Elle a réalisé entre autres : • Europort vatry, 1996 • L’Ile, 1998 • Un enclos, 1999 • La rivière des galets, 2000 • Pouvons-nous vivre ici ?, 2001 • Green Guerilla, 2003

Production :
Arte France; Quark Productions
Distribution :
Quark Productions
Editing :
Sophie Reiter
Sound :
Stéphane Bauer
Photography :
Sylvaine Dampierre

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