Les Musiciens
Cezch Republic
58 minutes
Balls, baptisms, funerals… just do not have the same feel without the amateur musicians to play for the occasion. But those who travel from village to village are becoming fewer and fewer… The filmmaker captures the atmosphere of the celebrations that mark out the important occasions in traditional rural society: feasts, dances, slaughtering the pig. Some of this age-old spirit will disappear with the last musicians.
Production :
Ceská Televize/Télévision tchèque
Ceská Televize/Télévision tchèque
Distribution :
Ceská Televize/Télévision tchèque
Ceská Televize/Télévision tchèque
Editing :
Tinicka Janková
Tinicka Janková
Sound :
Michal Mícek
Michal Mícek
Photography :
Miroslav Janek
Miroslav Janek