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Reporter vermisst

Johann Feindt
2002 Germany 58 minutes French; German

On 4th April 1970, Gilles Caron, a well-known and experienced reporter, went missing on mission in Cambodia. He had left his hotel in Phnom Penh to take photos of the fighting inside the country. An accident or a kidnapping? The mystery remains even today. His wife, Marianne, and Raymond Depardon, his friend, talk about Gilles and his work, as well as the immense void his absence leaves. Around this central character, various reporter-photographers who covered the Kosovo conflict and Brice Fleutiaux, a young reporter taken hostage in Chechnya’talk about their profession, the responsibilities involved, the need to testify, and the vocation that pushes them into the face of danger, with a mixture of horror and fascination.

Johann Feindt

Né à Hamburg en 1951, il fait études de médecine puis de cinéma. Cameraman sur de nombreux documentaires, réalisateur et producteur depuis 1979. A réalisé ou co-réalisé avec Helga Reidemeister, Tamara Trampe, Didi Danquart… entre autres :

Nachtjäger, 1988 ; Dans la splendeur de ce bonheur (Im glanze dieses glückes) ; Black Box, 1991 ; Gangrene, 1994 ;Wundbrand – 17 Tage im August in Sarajevo, 1994 ; My friend the minister, 1999 ; Kriegssplitter – Kosovo, 1999 ; Sebnitz – the perfect story, 2002

Production :
Arte; Zero Film; SWR Südwestrundfunk

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