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Rêveries d’un promeneur solitaire

Christian Riberzani
1984 France 23 minutes French

After working in the unadventurous job of gas-meter reader, Georges Burtin, at retirement age, has fulfilled a long-standing dream: to set off and travel around the world… Ridiculed by some, scorned by others, this original character with his exemplary wisdom somewhat disturbs the inhabitants of his village.

Christian Riberzani

A travaillé une dizaine d’année comme assistant-caméraman.

A produit et réalisé :

Rue des Fleurs, 1974

Dialogue sous la lampe, 1978

Acutellement en préparation :

La rencontre du cannibale et des carnasiers

Balou le nègre.

Production :
Films 3000
Distribution :
Agence du court métrage
Editing :
Catherine-Alice Deiller; Monique Prim
Sound :
Christian Riberzani
Photography :
Christian Riberzani

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