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Guillermo Quintero
2022 France, Colombia 67 min

In the Serranía de la Macarena, in the north of the Colombian Amazon, lies “Río Rojo”, a mythical river that runs through the middle of the forest, also called “the river of the seven colors”. Young Oscar, grandmother Doña María and the Indian Sabino live peacefully in the region, in communion with nature. But this area, once preserved by the conflict with FARC, is now victim of its beauty and threatened by the arrival of new visitors…

Stage :
Sound mixing in progress
Completion :
June 2022
Screening version length :
67 min
Expected final length :
70 min
Production :
Roméo (Guillermo Quintero), Stank (Pierre-Emmanuel Urcun)
Production contact :
Funds :
CNC (aide à l’écriture, au développement et au développement renforcé) / Région Bretagne (aide au développement et à la production) / SCAM (bourse Brouillon d’un rêve) / SACEM (aide à la composition de musique originale)

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