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Ruah Kaddim – Chronika Marokait

David Benchetrit
2002 Israel 255 minutes Hebrew

The story of Moroccan Jewry in Israel is presented through six characters from the second generation of immigrants to Israel, telling their personal, stories about the process of absorption, a process that was accompanied by racism and oppression. The film moves from the dramatic events beginning in 1948 and up to the present: the mass immigration, the selection, the period in the transit camps, settlement of the border areas and the creation of development towns, the protests, the Wadi Salib riots, the demonstrations of the Black Panthers, the creation of Shas, and up to Ehud Barak’s plea for forgiveness.The new immigrants from Morocco who obeyed their longings to return to Zion, believed that in Israel they would find a historical safe haven, but instead found themselves thrown into a crucible that threatened to eliminate them entirely. The film raises questions of « oriental » identity as part of the broader question of Israeli identity. It is a piercing and critical look at the failure of sionism and the left in Israel over the past 50 years.

David Benchetrit

Né à Casablanca en 1954. Etudes de cinéma à Tel-Aviv. Expérience d’enseignement, notamment auprès d’étudiants palestiniens. Cameraman sur de nombreux documentaires pour les télévisions françaises, britanniques ou néerlandaises, il est également producteur.

A réalisé, entre autres : A travers le voile de l’exil, 1992 ; Né le 13 septembre, 1995 ; Akedia, 1996

Production :
Akedia Productions Ltd.
Editing :
Senyora Bar David
Sound :
Itamar Ricardo Levi; Shuki Besht
Photography :
David Benchetrit; Itamar Hadar; Simon Besht

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