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Gheorghe Sfaiter
2001 Romania 53 minutes Rumanian

The climb up to the chalet is a tough one. High up, between the woods and pasturelands, the seasons turn and nature has full reign. Yet, time seems to have stood still. The old lady, whose wrinkles recall the bark of an old tree, has lived there alone for over twenty-five years. She looks after the farm, draws her water from the well, tends to her animals, makes cheese and bread’ repeating the age-old gestures of her ancestors.

Gheorghe Sfaiter

Né en 1950. Assistant, puis chef opérateur pour la TV roumaine depuis 1972, il réalise plusieurs courts métrages, reportages, films institutionnels et documentaires parmi lesquels : • Garana mon… Parnas, 1998 • 50… et un monde, le mien, 2000 • La Bohème de Timisoara, 2001 • Ava… plus qu’un portrait robot, 2001

Production :
TVR Timisoara
Editing :
Constantin Butá
Sound :
Constantin Butá
Photography :
R. Ionescu; Gheorghe Sfaiter

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