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Saya et Mira, rêves perdus

Jasna Krajinovic
2002 France; Belgium 60 minutes Serbo-Croatian

In the days following the war in Bosnia, Saya and Mira live, like many other people, in houses which do not belong to them. Saya, an Orthodox, is an old woman. The war destroyed her house. Today, a refugee in the town of Brcko, she lives under the threat of expulsion. Mira, aged 17, is Muslim. The war forced her family to flee the town to take refuge in the country. Both women dream of being able to return to their homes one day.

Jasna Krajinovic

Etudes à l’Académie de cinéma et de théâtre de Ljubljana (Slovénie). Diplômée de l’Insas en 1999. Après quelques court-métrages de fiction et documentaires, elle réalise Saya et Mira, rêves perdus… son premier long documentaire.

Production :
RTBF; Arte France; CBA / Centre de l'Audiovisuel à Bruxelles; Agat Films; Dérives
Distribution :
Doc & Co; CBA / Centre de l'Audiovisuel à Bruxelles
Editing :
Karine Pourtaud
Sound :
Thierry Tirtiaux
Photography :
Dominique Henry

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