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Mani Kaul
1989 India 92 minutes Hindi

Siddheshwari, the film, is a dialogue with life, the music we know as thumri, and its tradition. Siddheshwari, the woman, has one passion, to learn singing from the great Sarangi player and teacher Siyaji Maharaj. For daring to question, Siddheshwari is thrown out of her aunt’s house in Benares. However, she is taken into the house of Siyaji, where she continues her learning and is recognized as a great singer. Like Siddheshwari herself, the film does not follow a linear pattern, but traces her life, as a young girl, her first attempts at singing and her glorious career, which brought unheard of heights into the tradition of thumri.

Production :
Infrakino Film Production; Films Division of India
Distribution :
Films Division of India
Editing :
Lalitha Krishna
Sound :
Rajat Dholakia
Photography :
Piyush Shah

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