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Antti Peippo
1989 Finland 23 minutes Finnish

To exorcise the cancer that is eating him up, Antti Peippo goes to the roots of his sickness. As in a liberating therapy, he is guided by all the images that evoke his family-portraits, old photographs, children’s drawings. They make him understand the ineffaceable traumas of his childhood, marked for ever by war, deaths and a dominating mother. This agonising quest crystallised in a heartrendingly beautiful film, is Antti Peippo’s testament.

Antti Peippo

Né en 1934, mort en 1989. Photographe, réalisateur. Etudes à l’Académie finlandaise de peinture de 1951 à 1954. Diplômé de l’Institut d’Arts Industriels, études de télévision et cinéma en 1975. Chef opérateur à la Filminor Oy company de 1964 à 1989.

Production :
Filminor Oy
Distribution :
Finnish Film Foundation
Editing :
Anne Lakannen
Sound :
Timo Linnasalo
Photography :
Antti Peippo

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