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Smuteční slavnost

Zdenek Sirovy
1969 Czechoslovakia 70 minutes Czech

The country woman Matylda decides to have her husband buried in the village where his family tomb is situated. A few years earlier, her husband had protested against the enforced collectivisation of land. The Communists had expelled him and his family’first from their farm and then from the village. Matylda, like the Greek heroines of old, wants to return her man to his native ground. Although there is fear of repression, the burial goes ahead and turns into a silent demonstration. Banned for 20 years, the film finally came out in 1989.

Zdenek Sirovy


Production :
Filmové studio Barrandov
Distribution :
NFA - Narodní Filmovy Archiv/Archives nationales du film
Editing :
Jan Chaloupek; Jiři Machánĕ

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