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Station Lumière

Frédérique Pollet Rouyet
2003 France 86 minutes French

When Maïté set up Station Lumière, a small emergency accommodation hostel in the centre of La Ciotat, she laid the first stone of an ongoing human adventure, where strength and conviction are needed to fight against fatalism. With her team, she struggles to make it a welcoming place that can offer its eight residents not only a roof, but also time to relax and someone to listen to the ups and downs of their lives. Through short scenes that are sometime funny, sometimes moving, the film tells a human story in all its complexity. What we discover are feelings, suffering, hopes and life itself.

Frédérique Pollet Rouyet

A une maîtrise en sciences politiques, et un doctorat de droit des médias. A réalisé Station Lumière, 2003.

Production :
Didascalie; Film Avenir
Editing :
Julien Lombard
Sound :
Frédérique Lacroix
Photography :
Stéphane Kervella

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