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Stone Steps

David Finch
1992 United Kingdom 21 minutes English

“The stones steps are at the front of the house where my grandparents lived. The photograph in the film was taken there in 1963. Portraits of the people in it ; interviews. Shared memory makes sense of things, but our memories are stubborn and independent. To move on, I imagine a map of people, places and time : a family, a true myth.” (David Finch)

David Finch

Né en 1956. Vit à Londres. Etudes de littérature anglaise à Cambridge et de cinéma à Londres.

A réalisé notamment :

– Man of stones, 1989

– Fire festival, 1997

– When two won’t do, 2001

Production :
Arts Council of Great Britain
Editing :
David Finch
Sound :
David Finch; T. Selous
Photography :
David Finch; T. Selous

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