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Ken Kobland
1992 United States 60 minutes English

A one-hour heliocopter flight over the suburban sprawl of Long Island to Fresh Kills, the New York City Landfill on Staten Island; accompanied by an operatic audio-mix of bad-mouth talk-radio mayhem and historic nostalgia. “Commissioned by La Sept, Paris to create a one-hour continuous camera take, Stupa is a ‘mourning’ commute from suburban Long Island to the New York City landfill. The audio-mix is composed of radio talk shows, JFK speeches, the soundtrack from It’s a Wonderful Life, a hodge-podge of music and TV soaps. In the end it’s pretty much an elegy to JFK. Forgive me, but he just gets bigger and bigger as we go on.” (Ken Kobland)

Production :
Ken Kobland Films
Sound :
Ken Kobland
Photography :
Ken Kobland
Copy Contact :
Ken Kobland Films