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Széki lassu

Gyula Gulyás
1993 Hungary 113 minutes Hungarian

“In 1969 we began filming in Szék in the Mezöség area of Transsylvania on Kodak 8 mm film, and we were sucessful in immortalising over four generations, the peasant culture, the community life-style in a place of considerable cultural-historical importance, the culture-building and-changing and the individuals all on a truly rich scale. At that time, there were treasures of folklore which were actively lived from day to day and which are renowned today even abroad, namely the music and the dance hall of Szék. All this was filmed all in unbelievable richness and with total authenticity ; there were no re-takes, only original, one-off unrepeatable situations. Our film about this place of culture unparalleled in Europe might be able to be of assistance to the people there by showing their example, virtue and mind.” (Gyula Gulyás, János Gulyás).

Gyula Gulyás

Né à Budapest, en 1944. A travaillé au studio Bela Balazs. Avec son frère János, il a réalisé de nombreux documentaires sur les traditions hongroises.

Production :
MTV Magyar Televisio; Fórum Film
Distribution :
Magyar Filmunió
Editing :
Lujza Tóth
Sound :
Gyula Traub; László Kósa
Photography :
János Gulyás; József Eisenmann

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