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Tabanaast, une séance spéciale

Aloïs Main
2003 France 65 minutes French; Berber

Over several years, Aloïs has established a distant but deep friendship with a country family in the High Atlas mountains of Morocco. They had given him hospitality, quite by chance, on his first visit to the region. He returns to see them and offers to bring some images of where he lives as a token of his friendship. In this way, he will try and take them too on a “journey” to the totally unfamiliar western world and “welcome” them into his own family. The film shows his stay in the village and his relations with his friends.

Aloïs Main

Né en France en 1972. A suivi plusieurs formations à l’image et à la réalisation parallèlement à un cursus de médecin. Tabanaast, une séance spéciale, est son premier film.

Production :
Giulia De Vecchi; Aloïs Main

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