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Teater à…ttonde Dagen

Joanna Helander
1992 Sweden 78 minutes Polish; Swedish

Founded in Poznan in 1964, the “Eighth day theatre” is an experimental group which draws its inspiration from life, working through improvisations to create an expressionist style, combining the tragic and the grotesque. Involved in the political struggles in Poland since 1938, the group was tolerated, censured and repressed up to the proclamation of the state of emergency in 1981. In 1986, it was banned and performed clandestinely. Some of its members were imprisoned, others managed to move to the West. The filmmakers followed the actors on their European tours for five years. Through the pain of separation and exile, the immense hopes raised by political changes in the East, theatre merges with life in artistic creation.

Joanna Helander

Née à Ruda, dans une famille juive polonaise. Etudes à Cracovie, interrompues en 1968 lorsqu’elle fut arrêtée pour avoir protesté contre l’invasion de la Tchécoslovaquie. Après avoir émigré en Suède, elle a entrepris des études de photographie à Gothenburg et a acquis une grande renommée en tant que photographe. A publié plusieurs livres de ses photos et réalisé plusieurs court-métrages.

Production :
Kino Koszyk
Distribution :
Svenska Filminstitutet Swedish Film Institute
Editing :
Ewa Smal; Dorota Wardęszkiewicz
Sound :
Krzysztof Suchodolski
Photography :
Jacek Blawut; Jacek Petrycki

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