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Technological Intervention

Nandan Kudhyadi
1989 India 23 minutes undetermined

For ages, the production of Tasar yarn has played a vital role in the livelyhood of the tribals in India. Attempts are being made by developmental agencies to improve the lot of the tribal women by introducing reeling machines to increase production. But due to several socio-cultural factors the experience has not always been a complete success. This film explores the issues which arise and calls out for a more sensitive approach to technological interventions in the deep rooted traditions of the tribals.

Nandan Kudhyadi

Diplômé des Beaux-Arts de l’université de Baroda en 1975, et du Film & Television Institute de Pune en 1978. Il enseigne à Bombay.

A réalisé de nombreux documentaires scientifiques et une fiction :

– Concerning the infanticide (d’après un scénario de Bertolt Brecht), 1978

Production :
Interaction Video Communications
Editing :
Paresh Kamdar
Sound :
Vikram Joglekar
Photography :
Prasann Jain

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