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Pierre Michelon
2017 France 28 minutes French; Bengali

“Tepentar (horizon) is the story of a youngster who wanted to become stateless. . . . Oedipus, Marguerite Duras, Guy Hocquenghem and Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak offer him words as sharp as spears that he one day offers to Sudipta Mitra Datta, a multilingual bird capable of singing new horizons.” (Pierre Michelon)

Pierre Michelon

Pierre Michelon has been a member of La Fabrique Phantom, Paris, since 2012. He is currently a Ph.D. student in Science, Art, Creation, Research (SACRe) at Paris Sciences et Lettres Université / Ecole nationale supérieure des beaux-arts, Paris. In March 2019, Pierre Michelon will be presenting an exhibition at the Louvre Museum (Department of Oriental Antiquities) and an exhibition at the venue of the former Espace Khiasma. These events follow on from his research on colonial deportation and will integrate his visual arts Ph.D. (SACRe).

Production :
Olivier Marboeuf; Spectre productions
Distribution :
Lou Jomaron
Editing :
Pierre Michelon; Olivier Marbœuf
Sound :
Pierre Michelon
Photography :
Pierre Michelon

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