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That Fire Within

Simon Wilkie
1992 United Kingdom 62 minutes Afrikaans; Kwanyama

Like a folk song this impressionistic documentary unfolds the life of Aune, a subsistence farmer living in the north of newly independent Namibia. While her husband is away working, Aune raises their seven children, tends her crops and works with the other women of her village. Together they try to improve social conditions damaged by years of war. A woman with a practical philosophy, knowing that the community faces disaster from prolonged drought, Aune still manages to “laugh beauty into life”.

Simon Wilkie

Né en 1959. Après des études de géographie à Bristol et de cinéma à la NFTS, il est photographe et travaille comme cameraman sur des fictions et des documentaires. A réalisé :

Just look at Chico, 1990 – Not my Living Self, 1990 – That Fire Within, 1993 – Those Glowinng Eyes, 1995 – Imiti Ikula, 2001

Production :
National Film and Television School
Distribution :
National Film and Television School
Editing :
Ewa J. Lind
Sound :
Jet Homoet; Simon Wilkie
Photography :
Jet Homoet; Simon Wilkie

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