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The Green Fog

Guy Maddin
Evan Johnson
Galen Johnson
2017 United States 63 minutes English

For their enjoyment and ours, Guy Maddin, Galen Johnson and Evan Johnson have recreated Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo using nothing but shots from films and TV series whose action is set in San Francisco. Soon, the film becomes far more than a riddle or a game of spot-the-difference : a fascinating and strangely melancholic work which not only adopts the nostalgic mood of the original film but also reconstructs it and disrupts its internal mechanism. Of course, it is also a work of admiration for the master Hitchcock’s film grammar which proves to those – few – who could doubt that even when deprived of all its finery, the essence of Hitchcock’s work still has a mysterious and magical aura.

Production :
Extra Large Productions
Original music :
Jacob Garchik, performed by the Kronos Quartet
Print contact :
Leslie Vuchot, The Festival Agency • email