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The Life and Times of Rosie The Riveter

Connie Field
1980 United States 65 minutes English

Domestic. Shop girl. Waitress. Cook… Those were the jobs for women in the 1930’s — when they could get work. Suddenly the U.S. entry into World War II created an unprecedented demand for new workers. Notions of what was proper work for women changed overnight. The story is told by the women themselves–five former “Rosies” who movingly recall their histories working in Detroit, Los Angeles, New York and San Francisco during the war.

Production :
Clarity Films
Distribution :
Clarity Films
Editing :
Lucy Massie Phenix; Robert Epstein
Sound :
Marilyn Mulford; Chat Gunter; Clyde Stringer
Photography :
Kathy Zheutlin; Bonnie Friedman; Emiko Omori; Robert Handy

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