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The Time of Their Lives

Jocelyn Cammack
2008 United Kingdom 69 minutes English

The combined ages of Hetti, Rose and Alison total almost 300 years. They all live the same old people’s home, the highly respectable Mary Felding Guild, founded in 1876. Everything about this honourable institution, starting with its architecture, favours calm and, even more so, immobility. But that is forgetting the liveliness and coquetry of these three women, their bluntness, their far-left politics, their will to remain of this world, to listen to its murmurings and pursue their rebellion. They think about death, of course, but in the same way they have led their lives. They have not only prepared for it, but also wish for it. Rose is the first to take the step. (Yann Lardeau)

Production :
Redbird Productions; Certain Pictures
Editing :
Fred Hart
Sound :
John Avery
Photography :
Michael O'Halloran; Jocelyn Cammack
Copy Contact :
Redbird Productions

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