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The Women Who Smile

Jean Lydall
1990 United Kingdom 50 minutes Hamar

Three generations of Hamar women from Ethiopia speak frankly and with humour about their daily life and experiences as women: maternity, relations with men the status of wives… Comments that challenge preconceived notions about the role of women in traditional societies.

Jean Lydall

Réalisatrice et anthropologue, elle concentre ses recherches sur les Hamar (Ethiopie du sud) depuis 1970. Assiste Ivo Strecker, puis co-réalise plusieurs documentaires parmi lesquels : • The Women Who Smile, 1990 • Two Girls Go Hunting, 1991 • Our Way of Loving, 1994 (trilogie avec Joanna Head) • Sweet Sorghum: an Ethnographers’ Daughter Remembers Life in Hamar, 1995 (avec Ivo et Kaira Strecker) • Duka’s Dilemma, 2001

Production :
BBC Enterprises
Distribution :
Société Française d'Anthropologie Visuelle SFAV
Editing :
David Hope
Sound :
Debbie Kaplan
Photography :
Nina Kellgren

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