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Ti ora einai ?

Eva Stefani
2006 Greece 26 minutes Greek

Birds of a feather flock together: they are the same age, have almost the same weight, the same round, massive, balding head, not a penny to their name and the same penchant for alcohol. What’s more, they have always known each other. So, when Christos offers to lodge Elias, he accepts right away. Yet, their living together results in ever-mounting domestic quarrels and endless disputes over trifles, which constitute the film’s series of tableaux. Whether it’s about how to arrange the flat or set the evening menu, the tension mounts to the point where Elias makes as if to leave. Yet the solitude on the outside is not any easier to deal with.

Eva Stefani

née en 1964, elle a étudié le cinéma aux Ateliers Varan de Paris et à la New-York University avant d’intégrer le département de documentaire de la National Film TV school de Londres. Ele enseigne le cinéma à l’Université d’Athènes. Elle a réalisé: Gutters, 1987; la vie en vert, 1989; Moiroloi, 1991; Paschalis, 1993; Athène, 1995; Closed Spaces, 1998; Prison Leave, 2001; Akropolis, 2001, Avraam and lavokos, 2001.

Production :
Eva Stefani
Editing :
Alekos Sampsonidis
Sound :
Nikos Zoiopoulos
Photography :
Eva Stefani

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